ad bona

ad bona
lat. Derecho.

Diccionario de Economía Alkona. 1995.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • bona fide — bo·na fide / bō nə ˌfīd, bä nə ; ˌbō nə fī dē, fī də/ adj [Latin, in good faith] 1 a: characterized by good faith and lack of fraud or deceit a bona fide offer b: valid under or in compliance with the law retirement incentives made part of a bona …   Law dictionary

  • Bona — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alberto Bona (* 1978), italienischer Film und Theaterschauspieler sowie Drehbuchautor und Filmregisseur Giovanni Bona (1609–1674), Zisterzienser der italienischen Feuillanten Kongregation, geistlicher… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bona Peiser — (* 26. April 1864 in Berlin; † 17. März 1929 in Berlin) war die erste Frau in Deutschland, die hauptberuflich und bezahlt als Bibliothekarin gearbeitet hat. Sie gilt deshalb als Deutschlands erste Volksbibliothekarin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bona fide purchaser — bona fide pur·chas·er n: a purchaser who purchases in good faith without notice of any defect in title and for a valuable consideration – called also bona fide purchaser for value; ◇ There are particular requirements for a bona fide purchaser of… …   Law dictionary

  • Bona nox — Bona nox! bist a rechta Ox (literalmente, ¡Buenas noches! [en latín] eres todo un buey [en alemán]), K. 561, es un canon en la mayor para cuatro voces a cappella de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Mozart incluyó esta obra en su catálogo temático el 2 de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bona Makes You Sweat — Album par Richard Bona Sortie 11 mars 2008 Durée 61:39 Genre World, Jazz Producteur Richard Bona …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bona of Savoy — (8 October 1449–1503) was born in Chambéry, Savoy.Her parents were Duke Louis I of Savoy and Anne De Lusignan of Cyprus. She was the sister in law of the King of France. Bona’s older sister Charlotte married Louis XI on 14 February 1457.Bona… …   Wikipedia

  • bona fide occupational qualification — n: a requirement (as relating to sex, religion, national origin, or age) for a particular job that does not violate the constitutional bans on discrimination see also civil rights act of 1964 and age discrimination in employment act in the… …   Law dictionary

  • Bona Sforza — d Aragona (February 2, 1494 November 19, 1557) was a member of the House of Sforza who in 1518 became the second wife of Sigismund I of Poland. When her mother Isabella of Naples died in 1524, Bona succeeded to the titles Duchess of Bari and… …   Wikipedia

  • Bona vacantia — (Latin for vacant goods ) is a common law doctrine in the United Kingdom under which ownerless property passes by law to the Crown. It has largely replaced the doctrine of escheat, which had a similar effect in relation to feudal tenures. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Bona — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bona Sforza de Milán Bona puede referirse a: 1. Las siguientes personas: Bona de Berry, Condesa Consorte y Regente de Saboya, como la esposa de Amadeo VII de Saboya y la Madre de Amadeo VIII de Saboya …   Wikipedia Español

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